Monday, September 6, 2010

The battle of the blender

Have you ever had the roommate that is the exact opposite of you in something as crucial as sleep?  This person is the most difficult to live with, because it is not that you aren't fabulous friends, you just have completely different needs for a peaceful slumber.  Of course, I am not lucky enough to escape this difficult situation.  I don't need it to be pitch black to sleep, but I do like it quiet.  White noise I can handle, but incessant loud noise is simply unacceptable.  Even worse is when your roommate is early to bed and early to rise, and I unfortunately am not.  I have trouble falling asleep in the early evening, and do not like to wake up while it is still dark.  There are three of us in the house, and it is quite tricky.  One needs it both quiet and dark, I just need it quiet, and I am pretty sure the culprit of offense needs neither.  Once the first roommate goes to bed, the culprit soon decides it is time to blow dry her hair.  She doesn't close the door to the bathroom, and makes it so no one in the house can do anything but listen to racket created by her blow dryer.  Then first thing in the morning, she is banging around in the kitchen, looking for a pot or pan.  Once this is found, she decides it is time for the morning smoothie, and gets out the blender.  I think my least favorite way to be woken up is by the blender, it is like hearing nails on a chalkboard that seem to never end.  Every time we try to approach the situation, she simply shrugs and says that it could not possibly be a problem, she needs to eat.  Which I suppose she does, but at least the baby food is a lot quieter...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

One of those situations

It seems as though I frequently wind up in those situations where I cannot quite understand why it happens to me...
The normal trouble I have is roommates.  I frequently wind up in roommate situations that I find less than ideal.  They are messy, sex obsessed, rude, or even just cruel in my opinion.  But that could be the main problem, I could just have an extremely low tolerance for the behavior of others.  This blog will allow me to vent about the craziness of my roommate, while possibly providing entertainment for you.  I hope in the end I am not the insane one, but if that is what you feel, please don't hesitate to share your opinions.

Hungry Girl gone wrong

One night, my roommate felt the distinct need to bake some carrot cake cupcakes.  Oh but these weren't to be just any cupcakes, no this was the recipe from the Hungry Girl cookbook.  Well, the recipe uses yellow cake mix and canned pumpkin to create this supposed tasty treat.  However, as luck would have it Kroger was fresh out of canned pumpkin.  July isn't the best time to make a pumpkin pie it turns out.  So, after mulling up and down the aisles for many minutes, we mulled over possible substitutes. Not liking carrot cake, I was of no great help.  At which point, she suggests sweet potatoes.  Not finding any sweet potatoes on the shelves either, my roommate heads towards the baby food aisle.  She suggests using the baby food version of sweet potatoes.  I just shake my head, not seeing the point in arguing.  But then it gets creepy, as she starts looking for other types of baby food.  Finding a can of bananas that is apparently very appetizing, she buys that too.  Breakfast for tomorrow, check!  So then it is time to head home, and let the baking commence.  After a short time the cupcakes come out of the oven, smelling nasty, and looking just the same.  She eats one, declares the delicious and offers me one as well.  Being polite I accept, only to take a bite and spit it out when she isn't looking.  It tasted similar to the cotton balls used by dentists.  She places them all on a plate, and leaves them on the table.  A few days later they were still sitting on the table when she left for vacation.  Two weeks later when she returned, they were still in the house, I had just moved them to the fridge.  I couldn't throw them out.  My mother pointed out that if I did that, she might think I liked them and had eaten them instead.

Oh Oh a Roach

Yesterday morning I woke up and got ready for work.  As I entered the kitchen I was horrified to find dirty dishes everywhere.  There was a dirty pan on the stove, with mixed veggies still sitting there from the night before.  Egg salad had adhered to the pink polka dot plates, and there were crumbs everywhere.  But this is not to be outdone by a mug of tea, sitting by the sink.  In that half full (the glass is always half full) mug of tea was a roach.  Not just any roach, but a large reddish black roach, splayed on this back, with his antennae poking out of the tepid beverage.  I screamed so loud that the dishes rattled in the cupboards, and the same time jumping straight into the air.  I then took a few calming breaths, trying to think of zen things, like sitting at the beach watching the waves crash against the sand.  Still it took some time to calm down before I could pick up the mug.  Then with great calm, I poured the tea, roach and all into the toilet.  With one mighty flush, the roach went to its final resting spot...