Sunday, September 5, 2010

Oh Oh a Roach

Yesterday morning I woke up and got ready for work.  As I entered the kitchen I was horrified to find dirty dishes everywhere.  There was a dirty pan on the stove, with mixed veggies still sitting there from the night before.  Egg salad had adhered to the pink polka dot plates, and there were crumbs everywhere.  But this is not to be outdone by a mug of tea, sitting by the sink.  In that half full (the glass is always half full) mug of tea was a roach.  Not just any roach, but a large reddish black roach, splayed on this back, with his antennae poking out of the tepid beverage.  I screamed so loud that the dishes rattled in the cupboards, and the same time jumping straight into the air.  I then took a few calming breaths, trying to think of zen things, like sitting at the beach watching the waves crash against the sand.  Still it took some time to calm down before I could pick up the mug.  Then with great calm, I poured the tea, roach and all into the toilet.  With one mighty flush, the roach went to its final resting spot...

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